Neetcode 7/150 - Product of Array Except Self
August 6, 2024


This is entry 7/150 in the NeetCode150 Challenge.

The associated video is here:

Software Development | Neetcode 7/150 - Product of Array Except Self


The problem states:

Given an integer array nums, return an array answer such that answer[i] is equal to the product of all the elements of nums except nums[i].

The product of any prefix or suffix of nums is guaranteed to fit in a 32-bit integer.

You must write an algorithm that runs in O(n) time and without using the division operation.

Root Cause Analysis

After watching my performance on this recording, it is clear that I am getting the naive solution fairly quickly. We need to just multiply all numbers, other than the current positional element, and store those results. Simple right?


Hmmmm … what went wrong? I had someone in chat tell me that I needed to code O(n) solution but this actually didn’t help, since the problem clearly states that. At this point I’m asking myself:

How is it possible to calculate products with one pass of the array?

The trick to this problem is utilizing a prefix/postfix sum approach. Prior to this problem, I had never even heard of this approach. Honestly, they probably went over it one day when I skipped my algorithms class (sorry Prof. Assadi). Regardless, this a neat way to treat subarray problems.

After viewing my video, I was surprised I didn’t think about using a sliding window technique. Apparently this approach doesn’t work for this problem. Therefore, I need to be able to identify when to use each of these methods.

Either way, subarray type problems appear to come up quite frequently (substrings as well). I need to start compiling the commonly used algorithms for each ADT. This brings us to the actual reason for failure.


I failed this module due to the following reasons:

  1. Not knowing prefix/postfix methods of evaluating subarrays.
  2. Not having a clear algorithm and optimization method to even begin experimenting with.
  3. Coding the naive method and wasting time.

Action items

  1. Gather different strats for the Array/Hashmaps data types.
  2. Get an algorithm on paper first before coding.
  3. Do not code the naive solution.

Final thoughts

I’ve now done seven of these. I have written my thoughts on how I can improve and intend to do so. One of these is a reflection post after each Neetcode section. My record is terrible. I need to improve. All future posts will follow this format. It is just easier for analysis to have it broken down like this.

Stream info

I stream these Neetcode problems on Twitch and have the recordings on YouTube. You can watch me attempt this module or follow me on any of the links below.




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